There are many types of ways that we express how Christ and the Gospel has transformed our lives. These ways that we mark the next steps that we are taking in our walk with Christ are called Gospel Expressions. In addition to attending worship gatherings on Sunday mornings we invite you to:
Consider Volunteering in one of our ministries
Attend a Gospel Family
Join an Intentional Discipleship Group
Participating in Community Nights
Give / Support the Ministry
Getting Baptised

How Can I volunteer at Oikos?

Volunteer with Us!
Volunteering at Gospel Families
As a part of gospel families, we build a culture surrounding the bless rhythm. The bless rhythm emphasizes meeting the needs of our gospel family, our neighbors, and the local community. The area(s) denoted with an asterisk require a background check.
Volunteering at Worship Gatherings
There are multiple areas that you can look to volunteer in:
At the Table (Bringing Meals)
Nest (Children’s Ministry)*
Prayer Team
Worship + Tech Team
Attending Gospel Family

What is Gospel Family?
As illustrated by Christ example of his close 12 disciples and illustrated by the new covenant church, members of Oikos church Gospel families will gather to devote themselves to apostolic teachings, fellowship, meals, and prayer through living life together by being the intimate family God created his adopted children to be. Gospel families will be made up of those interested in learning more about Christ and covenant members of Oikos Church (Acts 2:42-47).
When Can I Join In?
Please reach out! We would love to connect with you.

Join Intentional Discipleship Group

What is Intentional Discipleship (ID)?
Consider joining small groups before the semester starts. These groups strive to be more like like Jesus and closest three disciples. In a small group, people aim to grow in God's word, create community, support each other, stay connected to the Holy Spirit, and work towards living out the Great Commission.
When Can I Join In?
Intentional Discipleship (ID) groups last a semester, with weekly commitments. Groups are closed for confidentiality but hold a Come & See Event for potential new members at the end.
Spring ‘24 Update
ID Groups are currently in session and new membership is closed at this time. Please check the calendar for information on Come and See Events.
The semester is closed, now what?
Although the ID semester is closed there are still many ways to connect and grow in faith and community. Consider coming to Friday night dinners hosted every week where we also dive into the word and develop relationship with one another. Stay tuned, the fall semester will be announced via email and during Sunday Gatherings.
Participating in Community Nights

When can I join in?
As illustrated by Christ in the scriptures through his time spent with the people, bless rhythms are simply a time for the Gospel families of Oikos church to express the love of Christ by loving our neighbors and being a family on mission (Mark 12:30-31).
We strive to host bless rhythm / community nights once a month. If you are interested in joining us, please follow our social media page or see our Upcoming Gatherings page on the website.

live generously. bless generously.
Give Generously.
There are other ways to show your support
Support by Dropping by or by Mail
Text to Give
(855) 541-2197
Oikos Church OKC
5514 N. Rockwell Ave
Bethany, OK 73008