Who We Are
In January 2020, our church was founded on the premise that not only did Gospel need to be taught on a weekly basis inside of the church in order to edify the body, but also needed to be brought back into the home to be practiced day in and out. Alongside the Gospel Rhythms, this helps us meet the needs of our family, friends, and larger community; spreading the love of Jesus Christ and his Gospel to others.
Gospel Rhythms
We have a foundation of seven Gospel Rhythms that can be tied back to Christ earthly ministry. These rhythms shape our connections with the individuals that God has placed in our lives and the way that we steward God’s gifts to us.

Statements of Faith
We believe that the Bible, the Holy Scripture, is composed of the Old and New Testament, and the written word of the Living God; it is God-inspired and is authoritative and is instructive. We believe that the Word of God is an instruction manual for human life not only because it’s right but because it’s good for us.
We believe that God is One. His eternal existence is in three persons (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit). Among his many attributes he is eternal, almighty, perfect, holy, gracious, omniscient, sufficient, loving, compassionate, omnipotent, just, and true.
We believe that Jesus is fully God and fully man and was born of a virgin. We believe he fulfilled the the Messianic prophesies of the Old Testament of the Jewish faith related to the Messiah’s first coming. He is our Creator, Lord, Master, Redeemer and Judge.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the dwelling of God within us. Turning the bodies of believers into the Tabernacle. The nature of the Holy Spirit gives us wisdom, spiritual gifting, correction and also the fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, goodness, & self-control). escription
We believe that the provision that God made for reconciling man to himself was through the atoning work of Jesus Christ the Messiah. As a result of Jesus’ sinless life and voluntary sacrificial substitutionary death, he has become our Lamb of God, our Passover, our means to salvation. He took the wrath of God’s judgement rightfully deserved by us upon himself; after his death he was resurrected and is seated at the right hand of the Father God as our High Priest and advocate.
We believe in in the act of water emersion and that baptism is an expression of our salvation. It is to be observed by every believer in Jesus Christ. Jesus commanded his followers to make disciples of all nations and to baptist them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.